We love our volunteers – they exemplify the heart in our heart, hand, hope tagline.
Last Thursday, during National Volunteer Appreciation Week, we had the pleasure of thanking our volunteers at a reception held at Don Giovanni’s Restaurant in downtown Mountain View. Over 100 volunteers and CSA staff enjoyed delicious appetizers, wine and camaraderie, including grateful words of appreciation from the CSA program team.
“Our volunteers are awesome, and the dedication they bring to the agency is nothing short of remarkable” says Volunteer Coordinator LaDrea Clark. “We simply would not be able to run the agency without their help.”
Last year alone, our awesome volunteers contributed nearly 11,000 hours to help our neighbors in need, putting the value of their contributed time to well over $260,000. Volunteers help out in a myriad of ways, including the following:
- woking at our onsite food pantry
- escorting seniors to important appointments
- picking up food donations from local markets
- prepping groceries for distribution to local schools
- helping out at our monthly produce days
- serving lunch at our Senior Nutrition program
- assisting with our Holiday Sharing program
- and more!
“On behalf of the entire agency, thank you to our volunteers for taking time to help out in so many ways,” says LaDrea.
For more information about how you can make a difference by volunteering, please contact LaDrea at [email protected] or (650) 964-4630.